Batching to Completion - (Dance Party Riddle, 55 habits to reduce odds of a good life pt. 2, etc...)
Savvy Saturdays (11/13/21)

Savvy Idea: Grouping tasks of similar work increases productivity and efficiency.
An important concept I learned within programming that helps me be efficient is batching—the idea of grouping similar tasks so you do them all at once, rather than switching between tasks.
Switching tasks takes up energy because you need to switch contexts.
By reducing the number of contexts you switch, the more you’re able to focus and complete the tasks at hand.
And this concept is not only important in programming, but in productivity and daily life.
I try and apply this in many contexts:
Tuesday evenings I work on writing out newsletters ahead of time.
Morning and evening, I try to check and respond to emails once.
On Saturday afternoons, I try to work on church-related stuff.
By doing this, I don’t have to worry about other tasks and can have my full attention on each given group of tasks.
Questions to ponder: 🤔
What tasks can you batch together to improve your productivity?
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Weekly Collections
A collection of resources for you to enjoy… 📰 🎬 🎙️
Can you solve the demon dance party riddle?
55 habits to reduce odds of a better life - pt. 2
Working more hours when the results still suffer.
Handing out too many times with people who bring the worst in you.
Chasing too many goals at a time.
Blaming others for your past misfortunes.
Refusing to adapt to change.
Weekly Tidbits
Learnings, verses, & quotes to chew on… 🧐
Verse of the Week
“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
—Micah 6:8 ESV
Challenging Quote
“A small act is worth a million thoughts.”
—Ai Weiwei
Weekly Update
Personal life stuff… 🔔
Hello friends,
Greetings from Austin! 👋 Let’s jump right in!
This past week has been a lot of great moments:
We had men’s ministry with the guys in our church and talked about what it means to be men of God
I experience imposter syndrome participating in a conversation to bring a holistic inclusive entrepreneurship community to the Texas area
My life group did outreach on campus using donuts to incite deep questions.
Anyways, here are several pictures from this past week: 📷
Thanks for checking in on the newsletter!
I’ve been reading a book called Faith Driven Entrepreneur and have been recently challenged on the difference between stewardship vs. ownership. There’s a completely different mindset you have when you are stewarding something someone has given you, versus owning something.
If God really gave us everything to steward, then we would give more generously in helping and loving others. If you can be praying for me to have a practical stewardship mindset, that would be appreciated! And if you have any prayer requests, let me know. 🙏
With that, stay safe 😷, keep it savvy 😎, and I’ll see y’all in the next update 😊
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