Hello friends,
Greetings from Austin!👋
Words have power. 💪
Motivational speeches, encouraging words from a mentor, or guidance from a leader - they have the ability to inspire, encourage, and influence other’s lives.
But sometimes, actions have more weight than our words.
This is evident when we say we value one thing but act in another fashion.
Like the famous statement, “Follow the money” 💰 , it’s important to look at where our time, money, and talents are going, that way we know where our heart is truly at.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
- Matthew 6:21
For instance, I say a lot of times that sleep is important to me. But looking at where my time is spent, I contradict myself when I get 5-6 hours of sleep, don’t take naps, and consistently stay up late past 1 AM. 😪
It’s questionable if what I say doesn’t align with what I do. Sleep may seem important in my life, but my actions show that I probably value something above sleep. (entertainment, busying myself with work, etc…)
Another example might be someone who says they care passionately about fighting against injustice, but if they’re not spending money, volunteering for the cause, or taking some form of action, it’s a bit harder to believe.
By taking a look at where our actions are, we can know in our current season what we value. Awareness of where our heart lies allows us to assess if we’re living out what we value, and helps us make radical changes in the way we live if we aren’t living out what we say.
Questions to ponder: 🤔
What are three things you say you care, are passionate about, or value?
What actions (time, treasure, talents) do you take in your life that aligns with the things you say? What actions don’t align?
Weekly Update
Personal life stuff… 🔔
Nothing too crazy happened this past week, besides getting my wisdom teeth pulled. 🦷
Let’s just say that though this isn’t my first time having my wisdom get taken away, I’m not looking forward to the next several days of not being able to eat solid food. Losing something always makes you miss it more. 😭 (oh the joy of eating food)
Fortunately, I got a large stash of Soylent to help me get through the recovery process of wisdom teeth removal. (honestly a lifesaver. 10/10 would recommend during liquid fasts/recovery 👌 )
Anyways, here are several pictures from this past week: 📷

With that, thanks for checking in. Hope y’all have a gucci Thanksgiving break with family and friends, keep it savvy, and I’ll see y’all in the next update 😊
Weekly Collections
A collection of resources to enjoy… 📰 🎬 🎙️
Serve and lift up others using your gifts and abilities rather than lord over others.
—Why is Love the Greatest | Ben Stuart
”In the morning, I read through a list of personal declarations. What this does is it instills a sense of urgency:
I love people and believe the best about others.
I am disciplined.
I creative, innovative, driven, focused, and blessed beyond measure because the Holy Spirit dwells within me
I wake up with purpose, direction, and meaning every day of my life.
Pain is my friend, I rejoice in suffering because Christ suffered for me
I am NOT a victim of circumstances, I am gifted to create, lead, and change circumstances from what they are to what they could be
I bring my best and then some, it's what I bring after I do my best that makes the difference.
The world will be different and better because I serve Jesus today.
Every day wake up and confess these things aloud, and what it does is it creates a divine sense of urgency inside of me. What I do I believe matters in eternity, and therefore I will do it with urgency in everything I do. Complacency is the default mode. I will not succumb to a complacent attitude, I will live with urgency.”
—Institutionalizing Urgency Part 2 | Craig Groeschel
Weekly Tidbits
Learnings, verses, & quotes to chew on… 🧐
Noone should stand on a pile of beans. Knowledge has power and it should be shared.
—Executive in the company I work at
Verse of the Week
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
—1 Corinthians 13:13
Challenging Quote
“People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.”
—Eleanor Roosevelt
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