Unity and Learning

Hello friends,
Greetings from Austin!
Whether you're hanging with your family amidst an extended spring break, chilling at home with a loved one 6 feet away to social distance, or chilling by yourself, I hope everyone is pushing through this quarantine time!
I was talking to a friend this week and sharing that even though it's a difficult season to face, it's amazing to imagine the global camaraderie we all experience going through this situation step by step together.
When I think of the last time everyone felt this connection of a crisis altogether, I think of 9/11 (which was only a national disaster within the U.S. along with some allied countries).
But Covid-19 has caused not only national but international panic amongst so many countries, bringing about a universal response as well as a sense of unity amidst trials.
There have also been many moments for all of us to learn within our governments, corporations, organizations, families, friends, and interpersonal interactions.
For me, I've found that I've gotten to learn a lot whilst being forced to stay at home and reflect:
I've learned to not take for granted how blessed I am to still have a job and even be able to work remotely amidst the chaos.
I've learned it's hard for me to submit to God many areas of my life and believe many of the simple truths and promises.
I've learned that people need a listening ear and prayer as well as practical solutions in this tough time.
I've learned taking short runs with acoustic worship is very therapeutic.
I've learned I need to get more sleep as a working adult.
I've learned I lost 8 lbs of muscle and gained 2 lbs of fat after "social distancing" from the gym.
With all that learning aside, I want to ask for y'all to consider things you've learned during quarantine:
What have you learned about yourself?
How have you been challenged with limitations placed in your relationships?
What can you do now that you've been forced to stop and rest in idleness?
These are just a few examples of questions to ponder on. I would love to hear all the things you've been learning, so feel free to comment below on things you've been learning.
As we continue on with this stage of life, I encourage y'all to press on! I know it's hard, but we're all in this together (cue High School Musical).
And the truth of the matter is, if we live for a sovereign God, who is in full control, then His plans are secure for us.
Let us continue to fight with that hope in mind, remember to wash your hands, and I'll see y'all in the next update! :)
Weekly Collections
8 Reminders in the Face of the Coronavirus Pandemic - Crossway
Do Not Silence Your Mess: Meeting God in Everyday Chaos - DesiringGod
Suffering Will Always Change You - DesiringGod
How to Spot an Incompetent Leader - Harvard Business Review
"To start, those responsible for judging leadership candidates need to improve their ability to distinguish between confidence and competences... Overconfidence is the natural result of privilege."
Here are questions to ask to determine if a leader will have positive/negative effects on their teams:
1. Do you have an exceptional talent for leadership?
2. Would most people want to be like you?
3. Do you rarely make mistakes at work?
4. Are you blessed with natural charisma?
5. Are you able to achieve anything you want, just by putting your mind to it?
6. Do you have a special gift for playing office politics?
7. Are you destined to be successful?
8. Is it easier for you to fool people, than for people to fool you?
9. Are you just too talented to fake humility?
(to take the actual assessment and find out your score, click here)
Chesterton's Fence: A Lesson in Second-Order Thinking - FS Blog
How to Stay Connected While Quarantined (Medium *) - Vi Ngyuen
Verse of the Week
“Bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.”
- Colossians 3:13
Challenging Quote
“We take ourselves way too seriously, and we don’t take God seriously enough.”
- Rick Warren